
REVOLUSOLAR (2019-2022)

A pilot project to build a solar cooperative in Rio de Janeiro’s « favelas »


Access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all is a basic requirement for the sustainable development of humanity. Currently, with an increasingly expensive grid energy prices and cheaper solar energy, this is already an economically advantageous option, especially in Rio. And because it is a renewable, decentralized source and a leader in generating local jobs, this new option has an important socio-environmental role. 

To access solar energy in Brazil, initial capital or access to credit is still required. For this reason, only the wealthiest have benefited from this new solution. Low-income communities continue to have an expensive and low quality energy service.


The purpose of Revolusolar is to promote the sustainable development of low-income communities through solar energy. To this end, we seek to enable a new affordable and sustainable energy model that combines positive environmental, social and economic impacts. We want all houses, businesses and community institutions to be able to generate their own energy, through a model based on community autonomy and involvement. 

Our vision for the future is for these communities to become poles of clean energy generation for the cities. Thus, using sustainable energy as a tool, the term «favela» will gain new meanings, and will become a reference in innovation, sustainability and entrepreneurship.


Revolusolar aims to make photovoltaic technology accessible to low-income communities, through: 

  1. Solar installations, which contribute to reduce energy costs and empower the consumer;
  2. Professional training for this market, which generates quality local jobs for the new low-carbon economy and gives the community a leading role;
  3. Children’s workshops on sustainability and energy, which raise the awareness of the new generation and promote community engagement;
  4. Research, events and advocacy, to generate and disseminate knowledge on the subject, and to represent the « favela »’s interests in the energy sector.


If you want to know more about this project, please click here